oranges & limes 🍊

on grind

there are a lot of grinding posts on twitter. you can do your own daily grind by summarizing what you have done on a particular day and posting it online. people appreciate these kinds of posts and reward you with validation.

the main idea is that you learn something in public to make yourself accountable and maintain your consistency. there is a huge community out there to support you and help you keep growing.

i tried the grinding project too, but i could not give it a conclusion. my excuse had been my lack of time. truth be told, i slept all the time, stressing, smoking, and looking over my number of likes, trying to compete with other fellow grinders.

i know it is an awful way to do anything, but the competition gets into my head, whether it’s someone younger than me doing something better or getting more internet validation. it is the epitome of toxic competition.

i think all the negatives i feel are due to my lack of perspective around it. there are multiple faces of perspective, and my approach has been to avoid any single perspective and entertain all thoughts. this takes over my overall mental space, and the negative ideas take over inside my head. it is very anti-ubermensch.

for the next month, i will try to make a list of all the things i am negative about to make myself mindful of what is going on inside my head and change perspective. my goal should be to find a workaround and form a functional opinion on things that do not hurt me in the long run.