oranges & limes 🍊

where is my mind ?

it took me another walk on the same lane, the one i have been walking through for years, but i still cannot comprehend it. delhi blushes with your temptations, yet you cannot see the stars; i might have forgotten what stars look like by now. what do the satellites look like? where is orion, where is ursa major?

does it matter? on a large scale, probably not. but it matters when i accidentally step in front of a scooter, its headlights shining in my face, and there is a kid standing on the leg pad.

can you comprehend it if there are no stars tonight, and the moon is so big that it might bring a flood? the riverbeds might destroy all the livelihoods, and there will still be someone playing a flute on the hilltop, their shadows cast over all the destruction.

it doesn't have to make sense to you, what i am writing, nor does my mind have to make sense to you, and nor do i expect it to. i aim to sing songs and hope you listen to a beat of them; if you cannot hear, i wish my lip movements reach your eyes, and you could feel what i am saying.

to me and to you, shakespeare might be irrelevant, and so might your poems, my articles, and her fan fiction.

but there will always be a van gogh. he would seek you through stars, and colors that do not exist in the eyes.